Great First Eight is an exceptional, cost-saving curriculum
for children ages 0-8 in metropolitan area classrooms

Great First Eight is a best-in-class, affordable curriculum developed by a group of renowned researchers, teachers, and other experts. It is fully research- and standards-aligned and designed to be easy-to-implement in classrooms with a number of children from historically underrepresented racial and ethnic backgrounds.

PreK-3 & PreK-4/TK 

Apply now for the ‘25-26 school year

The Great First Eight PreK-3 & PreK-4/TK curriculum provides 160 full days of instruction divided across eight project-based units, plus a supplemental set of units for optional use in summer. Children experience a mix of whole-group, small-group, and individual experiences, teacher- and child-directed learning. Lessons address standards in eleven domains. Research-supported instructional practices motivate and accelerate learning.

Thirty hours of professional learning developed by leading experts prepare teachers to begin teaching Great First Eight. Over the course of the first year of implementation, another 14 hours of professional learning, as well as opportunities to build teacher knowledge that are embedded in the lesson plans, support smooth and effective implementation. Combined with weekly or biweekly meetings with a professional learning community or teacher study group and daily planning time, you are set up to help children make breakthrough learning gains in the first year of implementation and beyond.

Learn more about our family engagement approach

Infant & Toddler

The Great First Eight Infant Curriculum and the Great First Eight Toddler Curriculum each provide 12 four-week units and includes tools for:  

  • Daily routines and areas of the classroom
  • Planning
  • Assessment and documentation
  • Setting up the classroom environment
  • Family engagement, and more

Learning experiences throughout each unit address, but aren’t limited to, the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework and help teachers respond to and strengthen infants and toddlers’ development across domains. 

Nearly forty hours of professional learning, developed by leading experts, is available online to fit your needs and support educators in their first year of teaching Great First Eight.

View Infant & Toddler Touring Guide

Kindergarten & 1st Grade 

The Great First Eight Kindergarten Curriculum and the Great First Eight 1st grade curriculum each provide 165 full days of instruction. Children experience a mix of whole-group and small-group time, teacher- and child-directed learning and lessons that address standards in literacy, math, science, social studies, social and emotional learning, and more. 

Thirty hours of professional learning, developed by leading experts, is available online to fit your needs and ensure that educators are set up to support children make breakthrough learning gains. 

View Kindergarten Touring Guide

View 1st Grade Touring Guide (recommended that children experience Great First Eight Kindergarten before 1st Grade curriculum)

2nd Grade 

In the final year of this state-of-the-art curriculum, children read and engage in mathematics at high levels, develop increasingly sophisticated social and emotional skills, and grow their substantial body of knowledge in science, engineering, and social studies. Second grade culminates in a project in which children present who they want to be in the future.

Recommended that children experience Great First Eight 1st Grade before 2nd Grade curriculum